Temperature is only one of the items that effect the drying time of various window film products. The others are construction, humidity and squeegee techniques. The problem with temperature is it is the one you have very little control overy.

During installation a certain amount of installation solution is always left behind, no matter how well you squeegee. The solution will come out over time, as long as the installation is exposed to some level of heat. If the solution is exposed to very cold temperatures; below 40° (Fahrenheit) or 10° (Celsius) it will not properly adhere to the glass causing it never to achieve the appropriate level of bonding required for a perfect installation.

These installations are the easiest to perform in cold weather, as long as you are installing within a heated area. The temperature within the installation area should be no less than 40° (Fahrenheit). Once the installation is complete, ensure the vehicle is not exposed to freezing temperatures for at least 24 hours, this will allow the installation solution to completely dry. Prior to releasing the vehicles back to the owner ensure that all water pockets are gone.

The only way to control an automotive installation during cold weather is to keep the vehicle under your control, until you have confirmed that ALL water pockets are gone and the adhesive is completely bonded to the glass.

Most flat glass films are produced using at least one layer of metal, the metallized film achieves the highest levels of heat rejection making these products, highly sought after. Unfortunately the very nature by which these films are produced makes them not very porous, this impacts drying time even in the warmest of conditions.

These installations should never be attempted when the outside daytime temperature is below 50 ° Fahrenheit or 10 ° Celsius. Outside temperature drops significantly once the sun sets, prior to beginning any flat glass installation make sure to check the night time temperatures.

If the temperature drops to freezing or below immediately following the installation the left behind solution will freeze. Normally, most of the solution will come out in the first few days, when the adhesive bonding process is the most active. Should the adhesive or solution become frozen the bonding process will not complete. This will result in leaving the windows with a haze or milky appearance that will never go away.

These windows are a little more forgiving as the interior pane is slightly shielded from the freezing temperatures, the outside temperature for a dual pane install should be attempted with a temperature below 32° Fahrenheit or 0° Celsius.

Some flat glass films are designed for exterior applications, the rule of thumb for temperatures on these installations should be the same as single pane interior, if the temperature will drop to freezing or below it should never be attempted. The film will look haze and milky for an extended period of time. The product will potentially never dry out.

The very design of these thicker films results in the greatest problems when exposed to prolonged cold temperatures immediately following installation. These films are produced with multiple thick layers; each drying at a different rate. These films should never be installed on any surface when the temperature is below 55° Fahrenheit or 12° Celsius.

The ultimate installation temperature is an individuals decision, however be aware that should you choose to install these products when the temperatures are outside of manufacturers recommended installation conditions, you will not receive the best adhesive bonding or clarity.

The concept of dry time is difficult for even the most seasoned installers to understand; expecting the customer to just believe that the clarity will improve is not an easy concept. This will leave you with a dissatisfied customer for many months to come, while they wait and see if it ever improves.

Johnson Window Films, Inc.
20701 Annalee Ave. Carson, CA 90746
(310) 631-6672